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When you need solutions that no one has thought of before

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High executability


High ownership


Efficient format

Workshop | Innovation

Find new paths and ways of doing things

Benelizer® Innovation Workshop is a proven and effective method for bringing a group together around a theme, engaging everyone, and generating new, concrete ideas to improve aspects such as your products, processes, and collaboration. After the workshop, you will have an idea bank with specific ideas for new ways of doing things.
workshop brainstorm ideation

1 | Stimulation

Presentation of the theme: This ensures that participants have a common starting point and come together around the challenge.

Sharing of experiences: This ensures that the theme is explored in-depth and that the ideas generated are relevant and targeted.

Mapping of stakeholders and possibilities for action: This ensures that no ideas or potential paths are overlooked.

1 | Stimulation

Presentation of the theme: This ensures that participants have a common starting point and come together around the challenge.

Sharing of experiences: This ensures that the theme is explored in-depth and that the ideas generated are relevant and targeted.

Mapping of stakeholders and possibilities for action: This ensures that no ideas or potential paths are overlooked.

workshop brainstorm ideation

2 | Formulation of suggestions

Individual formulation of proposals: This ensures that all perspectives are considered, and that a wide range of ideas are generated.

workshop brainstorm ideation

2 | Formulation of suggestions

Individual formulation of proposals: This ensures that all perspectives are considered, and that a wide range of ideas are generated.

workshop brainstorm ideation
workshop brainstorm ideation

3 | Scoring the ideas

Assessment of ideas: Participants individually assess all ideas based on clear criteria, ensuring that everyone's input is equally valued.

Review of results: Benelizer's SCORE card presents all ideas in a matrix, indicating their level of value creation and ease of implementation.

3 | Scoring the ideas

Assessment of ideas: Participants individually assess all ideas based on clear criteria, ensuring that everyone's input is equally valued.

Review of results: Benelizer's SCORE card presents all ideas in a matrix, indicating their level of value creation and ease of implementation.

workshop brainstorm ideation
Kristoffer Sundberg
CEO, Sun-Air of Scandinavia
We have been working with Benelizer for a while now, both in the management team and in our teams. Benelizer provides innovative solutions and methods that create an overview and simplify things. I have been extremely pleased with our collaboration and their approach to our business. They have my warmest recommendation.
Henrik Nielsen
Executive Vice President, Northern Europe, DSV
Thank you very much for your classes. They have initiated many important conversations in our organisation and I feel certain that we will never forget the key insights.
Poul Lund Christensen
Managing director, GTS Nordic
Benelizer has created clarity and quickly identified the areas we need to focus on in order to achieve our goals. It has saved us many hours of work, and means that we can work efficiently with our initiatives.
Guarantee of relevant high-quality ideas
Concrete ideas and solutions for a specific challenge
Everyone's input is heard, ensuring no good ideas are overlooked
Ideas are formulated concretely and prioritized on the spot
Works with all personality types, including the "quiet types"
High ownership of ideas, reducing the need for post-workshop "selling"
Small groups make it easy to organize and find a time that suits everyone
Danish or English
3 hours excl. breaks
Number of participants:
Up to 12
On site
Target group
Benelizer® Innovation Workshop can be used to generate ideas for projects, products, processes, efficiency improvements, and other improvement initiatives.
In addition, you have the opportunity to have the ideas generated in the workshop assessed by more than just the participants. This is possible with Benelizer's app, where you can invite an unlimited number of employees to score and assess the ideas.
Such a "Peer Review" is an effective way to involve more people and create even higher validity and support for the ideas.
from 4,800 EUR
Heini L. Hansen has 20 years of international leadership experience. Heini has a degree in civil economics from Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in Copenhagen. He has also completed leadership courses at MIT, Harvard and Berkeley in the US.
Our customers
Questions and answers
Which advantages are there compared to the use of external specialists?
Benelizer® Ideation WorkshopExternal specialists
Relevance of suggestions


It is you who propose based on your collective knowledge of customers, processes, opportunities, and challenges. Therefore, it is those who know the company best who find the solutions. This guarantees high relevance and feasibility.

“Best practice”

Proposals are often based on literature, best practices, or experiences from other companies. This carries the risk that you may not find solutions that are better than your competitors' or that the solutions may not fit your company.

Calender time until suggestions

1 day

The process is designed to quickly translate participants' knowledge into concrete proposals.

30 – 90 days

Often, it takes a long time for external specialists to familiarize themselves with your company and start generating ideas.



Proven methodology and technology make the process efficient.


Often, many man-hours are required at a high hourly rate, including for investigation and reporting.

Ownership of suggestions


Proposals are made and assessed by those who will implement them. This guarantees broad support and high ownership.


Often there is a need to "sell" the solutions or undergo extensive change management.

Which advantages are there compared to traditional brainstorming?
Benelizer® Ideation WorkshopTraditional brainstorming
Total use of hours per participant

3.5 hours

No need for subsequent concretization of proposals.

approx. 12 hours

Often, regular brainstorming requires a significant amount of time for subsequent concretization of proposals.

Calender time until solution

approx. 1 week

Proposals are selected when the workshop is concluded.

approx. 60 days

Often, a significant amount of time is required after brainstorming before proposals are specified, presented, and selected.

Choice of solution


The criteria for scoring and selection are clear, ensuring a focus on solutions with high value and likelihood of realization.


Risk of focusing on the most extensive and complicated solutions or on participants who speak the most or advocate their proposals the best.

Demands for participants


All proposals are listened to and evaluated equally, regardless of participants' speaking skills. Therefore, the only requirement is that participants have experience or knowledge about the subject.


The outcome depends on participants being active, open, collaborative, and having good speaking and listening skills.

Book 15 min. with a specialist
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Get a live and up-to-date map of all your ideas and proposals
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Get more info about the possibilities
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