Benelizer® Cloud
Risk monitoring
Portfolio management
Strategy execution
General information
Benelizer® Score Map
3 unique benefits from Benelizer® Cloud
API integration
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Video tutorials
Benelizer® Prioritization Workshop
Benelizer® Innovation Workshop
Benelizer® Strategy Execution Workshop
Master Classes
Master Class in criteria based feedback
Master Class in value-based prioritization
About us
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English UK

How to react faster to project obstacles

Learn how to automatically get early warnings on your project.
Maybe you've tried it before? Your project has been hit by unforeseen obstacles, discovered so late that budget overruns seem inevitable. At the same time, you have to spend a lot of time identifying causes. Which gives you less time for the solutions.

With Benelizer® Cloud, you automatically receive early warnings about challenges, changes, and other critical issues that may affect your project.

Once you have registered your project in the system, you simply select a question template and relevant individuals based on their roles in the project. The selected individuals will automatically and regularly be asked to give their assessment of conditions and obstacles, which may pose a risk of delay or increase the cost of your project.

The system automatically distributes the questions to the relevant individuals who then assess each question on a scale. This makes it easy to answer.

The results of the assessments are displayed in the interactive cockpit, where you always have an updated overview of everything you need to act on.

This makes it easy for you to stay in control and act early and efficiently.
Our customers
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Detect risks and obstacles as early as possible

risk management
Risk monitoring
Get a real-time risk overview based on insights from all relevant employees
Recommended insights and case stories
Solving the dilemma of experimental project execution
Reclaiming control of struggling project portfolio
Aligning and empowering top management for new strategy
Eliminating bureaucracy in strategy execution