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Benelizer® Prioritization Workshop
Benelizer® Innovation Workshop
Benelizer® Strategy Execution Workshop
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Master Class in criteria based feedback
Master Class in value-based prioritization
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Questions and answers
What advantages are there compared to an external project manager?
Benelizer® Operationalization WorkshopExternal project manager
Gain optimization

To a high degree

You learn Benelizer's method to eliminate everything that is not value-creating for the company. This means that you will not waste energy on the wrong things.

To a low degree

An external project manager often focuses on "listening to everyone," "addressing interests," and "including everything." However, this approach may not improve the project; on the contrary, the "sum of all interests" can make the project both worse and more expensive because it distracts from the benefits that the project should achieve.



Benelizer's method ensures that you never spend time on parts that are not possible to execute. This ensures that you complete the project and reap the benefits.


An external project manager often cannot take into account or address the project's executability. There is often an expectation that an external project manager can "make it happen." However, the reality is difficult to ignore, and a lack of realism can easily be mistaken for a lack of ambition.



Benelizer® Operationalization Workshop ensures high ownership as participants learn to take responsibility for the project's value creation and executability, as well as effectively organize the work to keep the project on track. At the same time, the organization will experience a high level of ownership as it becomes clear what is being selected and rejected, and why.


An external project manager often acts as a "secretary/coordinator/ambassador" and may not be accountable for the project's benefits or able to prioritize based on value and executability. The lack of clarity regarding goals and priorities can also lead to a lack of ownership from the organization.



Benelizer's method ensures the shortest, most logical, efficient, and beneficial path for the project. This means that you can be confident in reaching your goals and reaping the benefits.


An external project manager often relies on an investigative approach. This means that a lot of work and many decisions need to go through a committee, often resulting in project delays and a lack of benefits being realized.

Use of resources


It only takes a few hours to learn Benelizer's simple methods. You will learn to not waste time on the wrong things, cut out unnecessary work, and work efficiently. The method will teach you to focus and will save you many hours of pseudo-work, as well as prevent loss of value-added work.


An external project manager may not have the same knowledge base to work with the project. Their methods are often based on research, negotiations, meetings, and a fixed project model. This often results in unnecessary extra work for both the project manager and the organization.

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